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Basement – colourmeinkindness

Basement unleashes their swan song onto the world and hearing it we know a good band is lost to us but a new day brings a new sound.

Basement – Further Sky

Every time a band comes out of hiatus, I go to through the same transitions. A state of euphoria that they’re back, followed by a thought creeping into the back of my head. “What if it’s not so good?”

Tim vantol – Basement Sessions

Both lyrically and musically, but especially vocally Tim VanTol is by far the ‘pearl’ of the Dutch music scene, this EP proves he is growing in every way.

Emiel Laurant

Emiel played the guitar in Reaching Forward, Downslide, Razor Crusade and No Turning Back amongst others.


Powerwolves talk about their new record “You Won’t Find Peace”, and a variety of other topics.