Terrible Minds begin work on full length
Within the next few weeks, they plan to begin work on their full-length album.
Within the next few weeks, they plan to begin work on their full-length album.
I am Lorenzo Sober from Sober minds events. As of all the rumors “terror tom” left to organization I am doing everything to make this festival still happen with more money than i can handle needed. I am looking for a new venue it could be that edge fest might be a week later or … Continue reading Sober minds is continueing on edge fest
Equal Minds Theory – s/t is as nuclear as an exploding reactor in the Soviet Union.
Rank/Xerox LP out now, touring and merch.
hey, first of all..thanks to all the people, who helped out with the Spectres and Bi-Marks tours.. both tours went pretty well and both bands had lots of fun on their tours and played great shows.. ..i had a great time being on the road with both bands.. super fun.. thanks again.. so here are … Continue reading sabonews: Rank/Xerox lp out now + tour, spectres merch
GRAVE MISTAKE RECORDS AND MAILORDER WEBSTORE UPDATE 11.09.2012 After hitting you with updates three weeks in a row last month, I figured it was time for a break so I’ve been laying low for a while. That, and the fact that I’ve been a bit under the weather for the past two weeks … things … Continue reading GRAVE MISTAKE RECORDS / Webstore Update 11.09.12
GRAVE MISTAKE RECORDS / MAILORDER WEBSTORE UPDATE – 01.24.2013 A quick little webstore update for you this week – got a bunch of great new stuff in stock and I wanted to get one final update in before the great postage hike of 2013! For those of you who haven’t heard, the US Postal Service … Continue reading GRAVE MISTAKE RECORDS / Webstore Update 01.24.13
I decided to try and sell my t-shirts, as I could definitely use the space and money. It’s mostly hardcore. Some bootlegs, some low-value shirts, but also some (hopefully) highly sought after OGs (Chain, INSTED, GB, TFS). I’ll box whatever I don’t sell from September 2, so please email me your offers before then (cescowillemse/gmail). … Continue reading Moving to another country = selling all of my bandshirts (+140, lots of OGs)
At the end you feel like you were on quite a ride. The one you want to get on again when you’re done. When you’re ready for it.
Hey Lorenzo, seems like a smart move. Try to find a venue (a youth centre for instance) that doesn’t mind giving you a budget to pay the bands. The venue can then make back their money on the entrance fee and bar sales. Avoid venues that make you rent the room and stuff like that. … Continue reading Reply To: Sober minds is continueing on edge fest
Lorenzo smart decision. If I were you I would put up a show less bands. That way you can avoid making too many costs.
anyone that is willing to help me still reach 22 oktober please send me a message
Left for Dead – Left for Dead 7″ The Bellicose Minds – The Buzz Or Howl Sessions 10″ Nux Vomica / The Makai – Split 10″ War Victims / Till Death – Split 10″ Blind to Faith – Under the Heptagram 12″ Gravehill – Practitioners Of Fell Sorcery 12″ Ilsa – Intoxicantations 12″ Ilsa – … Continue reading Reply To: Shoplifters of the world, unite and take over (or which records did you buy?)
Hey… hope you are all doing good.. summer is almost gone.i had a great time.. hope you too… here are some news for you…please check out all the details below… the testpressing for the White Lung 7” arrived and it sounds pretty good.. ..so the record will be out september 20th just in time for … Continue reading sabonews: white lung 7'' out now, tours, etc
hey, this is the first newsletter for 2013.. hope you are all doing fine.. here are the news.. Arctic Flowers. Reveries LP Repress is back in stock. Unfortunatley Arctic Flowers had to cancel their upcoming tour. The tour is postponed till 2014. in the meantime they will record a new record wich will be out … Continue reading sabonews: Arctic Flowers: Reveries lp repress, tourdates
hey..here are some news… Spectres: Nothing to Nowhere LP is out now…check out the details below.. there is a limited colored version available from the mailorder.. Spectres will tour Europe in april/may next year. hope to get the exact dates soon..but get in touch if you wanna help out with a show.. we printed some … Continue reading sabonews: Spectres: Nothing to Nowhere lp
GRAVE MISTAKE RECORDS / MAILORDER WEBSTORE UPDATE / 09.16.13 Hello Hello! Long time, no talk. Considering I haven’t sent out one of these in over a month, today’s webstore update is pretty jam packed with a TON of new records, tapes, and zines! Plus I have even more restocks than normal, always trying to keep … Continue reading GRAVE MISTAKE RECORDS / Webstore Update 9.16.13
Dennis, are you the guy I was talking to at the end of the show (I am the singer of Throw me in the Crater)? Yesterday arrived a nice package of postpunk/hardcore/blackened hardcore stuff: Hexis – X 7″ Citizens Patrol / Reproach – Split 7″ The Bellicose Minds – The Spine 12″ Hexis – Hexis … Continue reading Reply To: Shoplifters of the world, unite and take over (or which records did you buy?)