Burn Still releases music video
Metalcore/hardcore band Burn Still from Estonian capital Tallinn has just released their first music video.
Metalcore/hardcore band Burn Still from Estonian capital Tallinn has just released their first music video.
Heavy metalcore from the far corner of Europe that is worth a listen.
Slow Burn hails from the USA. Singer Nesto introduces the Breakdown, Leeway & Only Living Witness influenced band.
[img]http://letitburnrecords.com/img/shop/cache/LIB_XMAS_2012_Sale.jpg.600.jpg[/img] [u][b][url=http://letitburnrecords.com/]LET IT BURN RECORDS[/url][/b] presents the [b][url=http://letitburnrecords.com/store/article/373]LIB X-MAS 2012 PACKAGE[/url][/b]:[/u] This bundle is the ultimate LiB-offer: [b]25 LET IT BURN RECORDS CDs[/b], plus [b]a LiB Shirt[/b] for only [b]29.90€[/b]. Your chance to upgrade your CD collection and get an endless amount of great music for an insane price. Here’s what you get for your … Continue reading LET IT BURN X-MAS 2012 PACKAGE (20 CDs + 1 SHIRT for only 29,90€)
Panic Records will be teaming up and working with Glory Kid Limited to release Burn Your Life Downs’ new EP “Don’t Try”.
[b]KARMA TO BURN[/b] (USA) [b]DRUMS ARE FOR PARADES[/b] (B) Do. 15 september Open: 20.00 Aanvang: 20.30 Entree: € 15,- Patronaat Zijlsingel 2, Haarlem [url]http://www.patronaat.nl/15-9-2011/karma-to-burn-(usa)-drums-are-for-parades[/url]
Are the Cool Dudes still Chillin?
You can listen to their new EP “Don’t Try”, the follow up to their great demo.
Refused vocalist Dennis Lyxzén’s hardcore punk band AC4 have a new record out in March called Burn the World, on Lyxzén’s own label Ny Våg Records.
Guido educates you with a mixtape featuring bands from Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia.
7“ HARDCORE/PUNK/METAL ETC 411 – say it (the thoughts that feed the fire) – headhunter 86 mentality – s/t – minor disturbance/grave mistake 97 A – better off dead – teamwork A 18 – defining the color conviction – organized crime records against me – disco before the breakdown – no idea (white wax) as … Continue reading Reply To: SHIRTS, HOODS AND RECORD SALE
Part 2 of Adam’s continuing open letter to Erika…
STRENGTH RECORDS SHOWCASE (BACKFIRE! – DO OR DIE – CONVICT -HARD RESISTANCE – ANGSTGEGNER) Om het jaar maar eens goed te beginnen, en wellicht nog eens duchtige te proosten op het nieuwe jaar, presenteert Strenght Records samen met Dynamo Hardt een avondje Hardcore strength. De line-up bestaat uit de fijnste Nederlandse en Belgische hardcore orkestjes, … Continue reading Strength Showcase: Backfire, Do Or Die, Convict (Burn The Flags release), Hard Resistance en Angstgegner
Anyone that want to trade this one or sell it?
DIE ROT IN CALIFORNIA #3 JULY 12th FB EVENT: https://www.facebook.com/events/132097430259534/ [img]https://fbcdn-sphotos-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash3/522348_415206715177809_100000654523817_1296758_1204134383_n.jpg[/img] ———————————————————————————— ALSO CHECK OUT DIE ROT IN CALIFORNIA #2 JUNE 15th FB EVENT: https://www.facebook.com/events/197030300417843/ [img]https://fbcdn-sphotos-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-prn1/536350_407365369295277_82459667_n.jpg[/img]
More acts of treason during the season. With rhyme and reason.
A mentally unstable discovery of the soul. The journey continues.
Another writing by Adam.