Donderdag 22/12 @ Simplon, Groningen – [url=]facebook event[/url] Lies! ([url=][/url]) Chelsea Smile ([url=][/url]) When Walls Collapse ([url=][/url]) [img][/img]
They’re streaming it for free.
Als je je afvraagt wat hardcore echt betekent, ga dan maar eens kijken naar de show van de New Yorkse hardcore legende Agnostic Front. De band is al bezig vanaf begin jaren ’80, maar deze mannen weten nog steeds vol overgave een superenergiek concert neer te zetten. Dit is een van de sleutelfiguren uit de … Continue reading Agnostic Front, Born From Pain, Chelsea Smile (cd release)
Volledige album te beluisteren en gratis te downloaden via onze [url=]Bandcamp[/url] Hier de link naar onze [url=]Facebook[/url] En [url=]Youtube Kanaal[/url] [img][/img]
Jouke went to check out ‘Friday The 13th Mosh Fest Part 2’ in Leeuwarden.
I need money for my first releases on my label Tartarus Records. So I’m selling these records. Most of them are new and unplayed. Those who have been played are well kept after and in very good shape. Mail your (serious) offers/questions to tartarus.tapes{at}gmail{dot}com I live in the Netherlands and willing to ship anywhere. Acrostichon … Continue reading Vinyl for sale: Bongripper, Amenra, Chelsea Wolfe etc.
All For Nothing,Lies!,0Fight8,Manu armata,My City Burning,Striking justice,Running Out,SwimOrDrown,Chelsea Smile.
Uit Je Plaat Fest 9 – CORNERED (nl) – NEW MORALITY (nl) – FORSAKEN (uk) – OUTRAGE CC (uk) – IN CIRCLES (de) – AGE WOE (s) – PANTAH (nl) – CHELSEA SMILE (nl)
Tomorrow I’ll be checking out ‘Friday The 13th Mosh Fest Part 2’ in De Gloppe, Leeuwarden (NL) Line up consists of: CORNERED CHELSEA SMILE TROOPS OF DOOM NONE SHALL FALL BAD ATTITUDE (Also doing their demo review once I get their tape) Good material for SWNK? Let me know!
A beautiful discography for a unique band that hopefully will get the exposure and recognition it deserves.
Bitter smiles for My Turn from Athens, positive hardcore the way it used to be.
Abscess – Urine Junkies Chelsea Light Moving – Chelsea Light Moving Criminal Element – Crime and Punishment pt. 1 Seidr – Ginnungap
Combining the best of hardcore, grind and other extreme musical forms this band recently caused mayhem in Europe for the first time.
Okay, someone tell me how to PM the guy selling. I’m pretty much ready to kill for that Chelsea Smiles shirt if he still has it!
SALE SALE SALE!!! Oh right, get in touch, no fixed prices…let me know what you are interested in and what your price is. Thanx! I’m from Belgium, so keep in mind post offices aren’t cheap these days, but don’t let that spoil the fun!! Vinyl: [IMG][/IMG] – Spitfires united/Alleged bricks: Piss & vinegar EP – … Continue reading Selling almost all my stuff…vinyl and lot's of merch…
What do you expect from a metal show? For me, I expect a sandwich. That is right. A sandwich with natural “magic”.
Trash Talk playing Rock Werchter 2013. A big stage, a huge festival and a crazy band.
The third Some Will Never Know mixtape, featuring all kinds of styles. Not for the singleminded.