Contrast – Brighter Sight
No complicated message nor complicated riffs just positive lyrics, good breakdowns and a pretty good vocalist.
No complicated message nor complicated riffs just positive lyrics, good breakdowns and a pretty good vocalist.
I decided to try and sell my t-shirts, as I could definitely use the space and money. It’s mostly hardcore. Some bootlegs, some low-value shirts, but also some (hopefully) highly sought after OGs (Chain, INSTED, GB, TFS). I’ll box whatever I don’t sell from September 2, so please email me your offers before then (cescowillemse/gmail). … Continue reading Moving to another country = selling all of my bandshirts (+140, lots of OGs)
Five hardcore bands from four countries contribute three tracks each to this raging comp CD.
Downfall of Gaia is one of the German bands that plays Blackened Crust. One of the best bands in the genre so no wonder Metal Blade has signed them.
Hypno5e is an ambient metal band with polyrhythms not unlike country fellows Gojira and bringing you their third album now on Pelagic. One hour of forward thinking metal.
The book focuses on the heavier side of hardcore. And while it’s well-written and looks great, it could have been even better.
Self Defense Family succesfully teams up with Caroline Corrigan (You Are Beneath Her) again for five great songs on their Duets EP.
*INTEGRITY/ROT IN HELL split 7″ (Black vinyl) 15eur *INTEGRITY ‘in contrast of sin’ original Yellow vinyl 7″ (Victory Records) 25eur *PUSHEAD ‘Hyperstoic art book’ Signed and stamped (some pages are a bit loose) 40eur very rare!! * ONLY LIVING WITNESS ‘complex man’ 7″ 1991 20eur * v/a ONLY THE STRONG 7″ep (blue vinyl) Integrity,Confront, Insight….(victory … Continue reading INTEGRITY/ROT IN HELL, INTEGRITY vinyl for sale
7“ HARDCORE/PUNK/METAL ETC 411 – say it (the thoughts that feed the fire) – headhunter 86 mentality – s/t – minor disturbance/grave mistake 97 A – better off dead – teamwork A 18 – defining the color conviction – organized crime records against me – disco before the breakdown – no idea (white wax) as … Continue reading Reply To: SHIRTS, HOODS AND RECORD SALE
SHIRTS afi – sing the sorrow red print – M black architect – cane one barter with death? – M – black against me – lightning bolt – M white on black american nightmare – nobody’s got style like us – M – black as friends rust – do what you want – M – … Continue reading Reply To: SHIRTS, HOODS AND RECORD SALE
Christer Davidsson from Shouting Street Audio Cassettes spoke to us about his label that has released cassettes from the Bouncing Souls and Hot Water Music.
Iets meer contrast in het board is volgens mij wel okay? Iets minder WIT weetje..
Emailed this out last week but never did my messageboard rounds, so here we go … GRAVE MISTAKE RECORDS AND MAILORDER LABEL AND WEBSTORE UPDATE – 08.09.13 Hello! It’s been a little while since you’ve heard from me (and over a month since my last proper Webstore Update), so as always I’m going to try … Continue reading GRAVE MISTAKE RECORDS / Label and Webstore Update 8.14.13
The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus showcase that there is still enough emotion and guts in their music with new record 4.
Even with all the expectations I had, it impressed the hell out of me.
INTEG ‘in contrast’ 7″ sold. New: YOUTH OF TODAY ‘Break Down The Walls’ LP (Wishingwell records) almost mint, has lyricsheet. goes for 60eur.
Barren Womb on crazy song titles, split albums and growing big warts.
Maudlin, Sundowning, Alaskan and Shrine are four amazing bands with their roots in hardcore but everyone goes into a different dark direction.