Madball, Deez Nuts, Taking Back Sunday Members featured in punkrock cookbook
Madball, Deez Nuts, Taking Back Sunday Members featured in punkrock cookbook
Madball, Deez Nuts, Taking Back Sunday Members featured in punkrock cookbook
Another great sunday matinee at the Dynamo Youth Center.
(belangrijk! zaal gaat open om 18.30u. en laatste band klaar om 22.45 zodat je met het openbaar vervoer met gemak deze show kan bezoeken). MIDSUMMER HARDCORE in De Pul! Met de overweldigende positieve reactie op de DEEZ NUTS debuut-EP `Rep Your Hood` kwam hun doorbraak. Daarna volgde internationale tournee (met o.a Bring Me The Horizon) … Continue reading Deez Nuts, Skarhead, For the Glory & Wasted Bullet @ De Pul, Uden
Highs and lows of 2014’s Ieperfest.
[u][b]CORRECTION INTERVIEW[/b] [/u] [b]FLOP[/b]: How did the band come about? Who and what is Correction? What does it stand for? [b]STAFFAN[/b]: Mattias and I jam out a lot, usually with me on drums and him playing guitar. We have several projects going on based around that setup. But Mattias is ultimately a much better drummer … Continue reading Reply To: CORRECTION – New Demo – Swedish SXE hc punk
08-11 High Hopes, Second East, Lockdown @ De Speeltuin, Breda 15-11 Billy The Kid and more @ Bar American, Middelburg 22-11 Deez Nuts, Obey The Brave and more @ De Pul, Uden 24-11 The Browning and more @ somewhere near Antwerp
I like the timetable this year! Lots of good band behind eachother. Saturday night should be epic with TUI, Scarps, Unearth, Nasum, tBDM, Eyehategod, Ignite, Pig Destroyer and Sick of it All in one line! Friday: 23h10 – 0h00 AGNOSTIC FRONT 22h20 – 23h10 CONGRESS 21h30 – 22h20 FUNERAL FOR A FRIEND 20h50 – 21h30 … Continue reading Reply To: Ieperfest 2012
Update from the Destroy Your World Inc. HQ.
Portugal’s Devil In Me joins GSR. A new record produced by Comeback Kid’s Andrew Neufeld will be released soon.
‘Working at home’ playlist 🙂 Obey The Brave – Young Blood Deez Nuts – Bout it! 18 Miles – Darker Times Hooligans – Heroes of Hifi Downpresser – Don’t Need A Reason Strengthen What Remains – Turning A Blind Eye
Available early December, with pre-orders starting in November. One Voice Records will be taking care of the release in Asia.
[img][/img] Here at Destroy Your World Inc. we’re proud to welcome TRACES OF YOU to the DYW family as well as to announce the European vinyl release of their brand new full-length “BLEED THE TRUTH”. Hailing from the city of Milano, Italia, Traces of You is without a doubt within those Italian bands that’s been … Continue reading DESTROY YOUR WORLD INC. TO RELEASE TRACES OF YOU "BLEED THE TRUTH" LP
Pre-orders for Traces of You’s brand new full-length “Bleed The Truth” are now available through Destroy Your World Inc.
A record that fascinates and confuses simultaneously from down under. Buried In Verona has a bit too much to offer.
For The Glory brings back the oldschool sound of hardcore with positivity, energy and love for the music.
Giants + ShowYourTeeth European Tour 2016 Exclusive NL show! GIANTS Known as one of the hardest working bands in the UK scene, Giants have amassed a loyal and rabid fanbase through sheer uncompromising perseverance, supporting bands such as H2O, Comeback Kid, The Adolescents & more. The bands debut LP \”Break The Cycle\” released April … Continue reading Giants (UK) + ShowYourTeeth (AUT) exclusive NL show
Jonas interviewed the Spanish band about their city, touring, the new album, what they think about hardcore and much more!
Anyone wants to go to DEVIL SIDE 2012 in Oberhausen (Germany)? They asked us to review it. It’s a 3 day festival. Maybe someone wants to go only 1 day or something? If I wasn’t away during that weekend I might have gone to check out Everlast 😉 AGAINST ME! ALESTORM AMORPHIS ARCH ENEMY … Continue reading Reply To: Reviews – Any takers?