So not everything is for sale, but I’ll be open to offers on some things. Please send me a message on, but please bear in mind I am based in the UK. Thanks. 7″ Abandon Ship | s/t | Yellow /100 | Carry The Weight Records Abolition | In The Grasp Of The Tyrants … Continue reading HYE list fs NxA/Dirty Money/HTB/BWP/Trial/Bane/Foundation
Guitarist Rick Jimenez talks about Metallica, New York and hardcore as a force for change.
Evil Clevo hardcore meets lonely acoustic folk.
This is Hell’s newest effort, Black Mass, seems, to have gone under the radar a bit in 2011. Scott gives a little insight.
No Decline approached us again to help promote one of their tours, this time it’s the Full Of Hell & Grieved tour. Check out the dates.
You can now order the new This Routine Is Hell 10″ as well as stream the whole record online.
THE GUILT OF… is a alternative/electronic collaboration between Mike IX (EYEHATEGOD) & Ryan McKern (WOLVHAMMER).
Pim had a chat with Ryan Young of Off With Their Heads.
Two years after The Verve Crusade six songs, however great, are hardly enough to fulfill my appetite for This Routine Is Hell.
FULL OF HELL (A389 Recordings) announced their second European tour of 2012, this time in support of NEW LOWS (Deathwish Inc).
Counterparts prove they belong at the top of modern melodic hardcore.
Heresy by From Hell is released by Paper + Plastic, who now have every right to rename themselves to Steel + Concrete, ’cause this is some heavy stuff!
Heavy Uit Haarlem 7 XL: [b]THIS IS HELL[/b] (USA) [url][/url] [url][/url] [b]FEED THE RHINO[/b] (UK) [url][/url] [url][/url] [b]I CHAOS[/b] [url][/url] [b]MAGNACULT[/b] [url][/url] [b]WINDMILL[/b] [url][/url] Vrijdag 18 mei 2012 Open: 19.30 Aanvang: 20.00 Tickets: € 8,- vvk / € 10,- deur Patronaat (kleine zaal) Zijlsingel 2 Haarlem Heavy Uit Haarlem gaat op de zevende avond voor … Continue reading 18-05 THIS IS HELL + Feed The Rhino + I Chaos + Magnacult + Windmill @ Patronaat
[img][/img] Slappe Hap presents: February 25th @ Perron55, Venlo (NL) INTEGRITY (us) ROT IN HELL (uk) DEATHRITE (de) STARVE (nl) HESSIAN (be) Pre sale: €7,50 At the door: €10,- Facebook: Integrity: [url][/url] Rot In Hell: [url][/url] Deathrite: [url][/url] Starve: [url][/url] Hessian: [url][/url] More info will follow soon!
Topshelf Records will be releasing a Code Orange Kids/Full of Hell split EP on April 17th.
Amidst the chaos of life in 2013 there’s Howl. It’s the best soundtrack any generation could wish for. It’s direct, inventive, catchy and oh so good.
2013 is almost over, time to look back before we all dive feet first into the new year.
Full Of Hell is returning to Develop Nations to record some new songs for upcoming split EPs.