Jon Bunch (Sense Field) about to release a solo record
Former frontman of Reason To Believe, Sense Field, and Further Seems Forever recorded solo record called “Generation X is why”.
Former frontman of Reason To Believe, Sense Field, and Further Seems Forever recorded solo record called “Generation X is why”.
A personal and indepth interview with with Jon Biviano (Supertouch, ex- Windfall, Running Like Thieves and more) about the past, present and future.
Nabbe the Bastard played in Insult, Skullhog, Bile, Hot ‘n Steamy Monkeylove and probably a bunch of other bands with even wilder names.
2 GROEZROCK BANDS & 3 x Joey Cape @the Winston… Don’t miss this!! 1,5 years ago we had a legendary Scorpios show (then with Tony Sly) at the winston. We are so STOKED to have them back and have another awesome night! Tickets: € 12,- (+€ 2,- servicekosten online) ***Joey Cape’s Bad Loud*** Joey Cape … Continue reading 11/4 Joey Cape’s Bad Loud (Fat Wreck/Lagwagon) + Scorpios (Tony Sly tribute, ft Jon Snodgrass) + Armchair Martian @Winston A’dam
About the current state of webzines.
Talking about his bands (The Real Danger, Nothing Done, Know Your Enemy, Uppercut a.o.), artwork (Mental, No Turning Back a.o.) and his life.
Bunch of shirts for sale Different sizes, often cheap.
GRAVE MISTAKE RECORDS / MAILORDER WEBSTORE UPDATE 12.14.2012 Well, we are in the thick of the holiday season and I hope everyone has their x-mas shopping finished early and has a few extra bucks to spend on some records! You owe it to yourself! Or, keeping with the spirit of the holidays you can buy … Continue reading GRAVE MISTAKE RECORDS / Webstore Update 12.14.12
Expire just announced shows in Australia, New Zealand and Southeast Asia in Winter 2013.
Spawn, Repel fanzine & records, True Blue, Reaper Records. These names should ring a bell. They’re all linked to one person, Patrick Kitzel.
Dennis had a chat with Joe D Foster about his latest band: Blood Days.
Nab went to This Is Hardcore 2011 and wrote a piece about the Friday & Saturday at the fest.
I almost forgot about this interview with the singer of Rise And Fall. It’s another one from the vault, another one originally intended for issue #2.
Probably one the most well known Russian hardcore bands at the moment about life, hardcore and bears in the streets.
The man behind the cover artwork of that Supertouch 7″ in your collection. As a bonus you’ll get some old, unseen Supertouch photos.
Interview with Chris Mahon Bang Bros from Dublin. The dude is all about getting low, Irish hardcore, LOC and Chino pants.
GRAVE MISTAKE RECORDS / MAILORDER WEBSTORE UPDATE / 03.15.03 I. THE SHIRKS 12″ and BIG EYES “Demo 2010″ 7” Out Now! II. Upcoming Release Status III. NIGHT BIRDS, SECTARIAN VIOLENCE, BIG EYES, and THE SHIRKS goin on tour! IV. WEBSTORE UPDATE! Hello all! Not much to report on the label front this update, but a … Continue reading GRAVE MISTAKE RECORDS / LABEL and WEBSTORE UPDATE 3.15.13!
I’ve always found the discworlds books hard to read one after the other because the structures is pretty much always the same (looser hero, sleazy mentor-figure tags along, various funny adventures, the meta-dimension where i completely loose track of what’s going on haha). It tend to read like one of those a year so it … Continue reading Reply To: Books