No Class – Keine Klasse II
If Negative Approach started in 2012, this is probably what it would sound like.
If Negative Approach started in 2012, this is probably what it would sound like.
A lengthy talk with the man behind Not Just Words Records about politics, education, fireworks, hardcore. About life.
GRAVE MISTAKE RECORDS / MAILORDER LABEL AND WEBSTORE UPDATE / 04.05.2013 – NEW RELEASE: BARGE “No Gain E.P.” 7″ Out Now on VINYL CONFLICT RECORD LABEL! – BIG EYES, THE SHIRKS, and KREMLIN Tours this Month! – WEBSTORE UPDATE: New CULO, PISSED JEANS, RIVAL MOB, and More! The first release on the new and improved … Continue reading NEW RELEASE: BARGE "No Gain E.P. 7" Out Now! / Webstore Update (New Culo LP!)
With the Revolution Continues double LP to to be released soon one of the most well known Dutch hardcore bands is back and still committed to communism.
Okay, I just decided to take some time at work to get this up to date again.. Here you go! And here’s some new stuff: [b]New stuff[/b] – DIRECT EFFECT – “Sunburn” (Tiny Engines) – FFO: Paint It Black, Pissed Jeans, Fucked Up, The Jesus Lizard, Metz – digital copy – PUP – “Pup” (SIde … Continue reading Reply To: Reviews – Any takers?
Well…to each his own i guess. Seriously though, that show really is incredible. You’ve noticed the amazing actorship but, weirdly enough, that’s really just the very top of the iceberg. Character study is really unbelievable. Whenever someone says “well, this movie/show is more about characters” i tend to take it as a silly/weak excuse for … Continue reading Reply To: Movies / TV shows part II
I thougth the machinist was cool, so I’ll probably give this one a go as well. Just started season 2 of Copper. Nothing very special, just entertainment. Also watched Monsieur Lazhar yesterday. Totally awesome movie about dealing with loss. A teacher (who’s lost his loved ones) comes to teach a class whos teacher has commited … Continue reading Reply To: Movies / TV shows part II
Only Living Witness, Miltown, Milligram and Raw Radar War. Or maybe you’ve heard his guest vocals on the “No Heroes” Converge record?
An in-depth talk with Emile Mutsaers, about his band State Of Mind, him being a teacher, changes in the world and lots more.
GRAVE MISTAKE RECORDS / MAILORDER WEBSTORE UPDATE / 03.15.03 I. THE SHIRKS 12″ and BIG EYES “Demo 2010″ 7” Out Now! II. Upcoming Release Status III. NIGHT BIRDS, SECTARIAN VIOLENCE, BIG EYES, and THE SHIRKS goin on tour! IV. WEBSTORE UPDATE! Hello all! Not much to report on the label front this update, but a … Continue reading GRAVE MISTAKE RECORDS / LABEL and WEBSTORE UPDATE 3.15.13!
Vele malen werd Evil Conduct vergeleken met de legendarische Oi! bands uit begin jaren tachtig. Ze hadden zelfs de bijnaam “de Nederlandse Last Resort”. Hoewel de band dit beschouwt als een groot compliment is het duidelijk dat Evil Conduct een eigen identiteit heeft met zijn eigen kenmerkende sound. Hun muziek kan worden geclassificeerd als basic, … Continue reading Evil Conduct + The Dörpms (DE)
Spawn, Repel fanzine & records, True Blue, Reaper Records. These names should ring a bell. They’re all linked to one person, Patrick Kitzel.
Tear Them Down bring back the energy, rebellion and fun the punk rock scene lacks nowadays.
Jonas interviewed the Spanish band about their city, touring, the new album, what they think about hardcore and much more!
Looking back at the Pressure Release 2007 compilation – Part VI – Room 13, Out Come The Wolves, Bases Loaded, Citizens Patrol & Noble Cause.
I took dutch two years in a row as an optional class, we were 3 in class, I was going once every 2 weeks and got good marks. …maar Ik begrijp beter dan ik spreek
After a day of reading mails at work I worked through the SWNK-inbox this evening. This is what turned up in our lovely little inbox. Let me know if there’s something to your liking! amouth – awaken – Post Hardcore with a lot of Isis and Amenra – – digital Tim van Tol – … Continue reading
Tons of cd’s for sale!!! get in touch through mail or PM whatever…just get in touch!! Thanx!! 17 Stitches: Closer than you think 25 ta life: Friendship, loyalty, commitment 4-Skins, The: From chaos to 1984 Adolescents: The fastest kid alive Agnostic front: Victim in pain/Cause for alarm (Combat core) Agnostic front: Dead yuppies Agnostic Front/Discipline: … Continue reading Selling cd's HC/PUNK/METAL/OI/PSYCHO…