Razor Crusade – Ready & Done
The previously unreleased EP, recorded right before the band stopped existing. Now finally available.
The previously unreleased EP, recorded right before the band stopped existing. Now finally available.
Emiel played the guitar in Reaching Forward, Downslide, Razor Crusade and No Turning Back amongst others.
Reaching Forward, Razor Crusade, Modern Life Is War and since recently No Turning Back… You know the bands, you know the man.
Get these guys some shows with Title Fight and let the world join The Kids’ Crusade.
Razor Crusade’s Fountainhead: http://www.last.fm/music/Razor+Crusade/_/Fountainhead (only 30 sec preview) was ‘inspired’ by Boy Sets Fire – Release The Dogs: [youtube]txMQo15zgHc[/youtube]
All On A Black features (ex) members of Razor Crusade and Omission. Both bands are a lot heavier than what All On Black is doing though.
Past, present and future of this exciting new Dutch band.
Ok I moved houses, so I found some stuff to sell again: doubles, some stuff I have no idea of how it turned up in my collection and/or stuff that I just want to get rid of. And the remainder of my distro. Just message me an offer or mail me. pim [nospam] somewillneverknow [rememberwhatisaidaboutspam?-dot-cantstandspam] … Continue reading Sale: LP's, 7 inches, tapes, zines, books
I’ve been putting my vinyl collection in alphabetic order and I found some doubles, some stuff I have no idea of how it turned up in my collection and/or stuff that I just want to get rid of. And the remainder of my distro. Just message me an offer or mail me. pim [nospam] somewillneverknow … Continue reading Big vinyl / tape / zines sale (collection / distro parts)
If they keep going like this I might have found my new favorite current Dutch band. My favorite demo of 2013.
New video from The Kids’ Crusade. Taken from their new 7″ called “Sway”. It will be out through Sailin’ On Records.
[img]https://fbcdn-sphotos-b-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-prn2/1185893_10200649099735979_504434900_n.jpg[/img] BREAKING POINT: First Belgian show since their European tour with Bracewar and Foundation. Push-ups on stage, X’s on the hands, Blood on your face. Southern Rise Straight Edge. BLEAK REALITY: It wouldn’t make any sense to not put these guys on our release-show. Best of friends, best of times. Taking both the UK and … Continue reading 1/11 – Grim Release show w/ breakingxpoint, kids' crusade…
BREAKING POINT: First Belgian show since their European tour with Bracewar and Foundation. Push-ups on stage, X’s on the hands, Blood on your face. Southern Rise Straight Edge. BLEAK REALITY: It wouldn’t make any sense to not put these guys on our release-show. Best of friends, best of times. Taking both the UK and Europe … Continue reading BreakingxPoint, Bleak Reality, Forsaken, Grim, The Kids’ Crusade, Wild Life
In november we recorded a 7″ called “Sway” with our friend Pieter Vonk. It will be out from this night onwards on Sailin’ On Records. You can check out a video from that EP here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yXV_F5UdvxM Other bands that will be playing this night are Silver & Gold (BE) http://silverandgold.bandcamp.com/ The Daydream Fit http://thedaydreamfit.bandcamp.com/ Break … Continue reading The Kids’ Crusade release show
[img]https://fbcdn-sphotos-b-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash3/t1.0-9/1897024_255311364645838_1359439551_n.jpg[/img] In november we recorded a 7″ called “Sway” with our friend Pieter Vonk. It will be out from this night onwards on Sailin’ On Records. You can watch a video from that EP here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yXV_F5UdvxM Other bands that will be playing this night are Silver & Gold (BE) http://silverandgold.bandcamp.com/ The Daydream Fit http://thedaydreamfit.bandcamp.com/ Break … Continue reading The Kids' Crusade release show
[youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yXV_F5UdvxM[/youtube] Here’s a video for our new song “#44”, shot on VHS. Pre order our new EP “Sway” here: http://sailinon.bigcartel.com/ Ep release show is this friday in Utrecht with Break Character, The Daydream Fit and Silver & Gold: https://www.facebook.com/events/1401587240100685/
As of today, pre-orders for our 5-song 7″ called ‘The Seeds Of Love’ are up (with or without Type O rip-off shirt). Go and get your copy now: http://openuprecords.bigcartel.com/product/grim-the-seeds-of-love-7inch-exclusive-shirt xoxo [img]http://images.cdn.bigcartel.com/bigcartel/theme_images/5513892/max_h-1000+max_w-1000/banner_pre_order_now_.jpg[/img]
New GRIM-song online [url]http://grim1.bandcamp.com/track/sunstroke[/url]