Reaching Forward demo
Listen to the demo while Harm (bass) talks about it. This is where it all started. Featuring Cay on vocals.
Listen to the demo while Harm (bass) talks about it. This is where it all started. Featuring Cay on vocals.
At the Baroeg in Rotterdam (NL) on the 28th of January 2012.
Benefietshow om geld bij elkaar te krijgen voor de uitvaart en steen van Rosalyn Olyslager (Roos), zus van Rudo I-Reject en vriendin van Arthur Reaching Forward. De volgende bands spelen (eenmalige reunies!): I-REJECT (NL hardcore, reünie) REACHING FORWARD (NL hardcore, reünie) DICEMEN (NL rockabilly, reünie) RAZORBLADE (NL streetpunk) Vvk € 13,00. Entree € 15,00. Zaal … Continue reading 28 jan, benefietshow: I-Reject + Reaching Forward + Dicemen + Razorblade
Emiel played the guitar in Reaching Forward, Downslide, Razor Crusade and No Turning Back amongst others.
One of the most notorious Dutch vocalists talks about his new band and looks back on past projects.
Fast and raging hardcore done by (ex) Reaching Forward, Mainstrike, Downslide, Razor Crusade & Justice members amongst others.
Reaching Forward, Razor Crusade, Modern Life Is War and since recently No Turning Back… You know the bands, you know the man.
A personal and indepth interview with with Jon Biviano (Supertouch, ex- Windfall, Running Like Thieves and more) about the past, present and future.
Ok I moved houses, so I found some stuff to sell again: doubles, some stuff I have no idea of how it turned up in my collection and/or stuff that I just want to get rid of. And the remainder of my distro. Just message me an offer or mail me. pim [nospam] somewillneverknow [rememberwhatisaidaboutspam?-dot-cantstandspam] … Continue reading Sale: LP's, 7 inches, tapes, zines, books
Looking back on his time with Born From Pain, his youth and the future. A long conversation about his life.
GRAVE MISTAKE RECORDS / MAILORDER WEBSTORE UPDATE – 08.03.12 Only one more month left of summer … while I’m a bit bummed to see it go, I can’t say I’m too big of a fan of hot weather! Stoked for fall, but trying to make the most of the summer before it’s over. Anyways, I … Continue reading GRAVE MISTAKE Webstore Update! New CRAZY SPIRIT, COKE BUST, POISON IDEA, & More!
Rik was instantly impressed with 18 Miles’ new video Pushing Forward and contacted singer Daan for a chat.
I’ve been putting my vinyl collection in alphabetic order and I found some doubles, some stuff I have no idea of how it turned up in my collection and/or stuff that I just want to get rid of. And the remainder of my distro. Just message me an offer or mail me. pim [nospam] somewillneverknow … Continue reading Big vinyl / tape / zines sale (collection / distro parts)
The previously unreleased EP, recorded right before the band stopped existing. Now finally available.
Has the edge gone dull in the Netherlands? Not if you talk with Lorenzo Sober, organisor of the Dutch Edge Fest 2011 and frontman of xAccusedx.
A double interview this time, it’s not like you can seperate them anyway. Between all the nonsense they actually managed to say something serious too.
Artwork is being put together, and a lacquer is being cut for the Forward Onto Death LP, but since we hadn’t played a show in 7 months, we put together a small run of advance cassettes for our show with Between Earth & Sky on 10/19. Assembled, stamped and numbered by hand. There are three … Continue reading Unrestrained – Forward Onto Death [advance cassette]