Hi! My band “Ash is a Robot” did a cover of a song by Refused, one of our favorite bands. Hope you like it! [url=http://youtu.be/alsVTsWmWcc ]Refused Party Program[/url] [url=http://tinyurl.com/Ash-is-a-Robot-Refused-Party]Free Download[/url] If you like please share the band and the song. =) [url=https://www.facebook.com/AshIsARobot]Ash is a Robot – Facebook[/url]
It is everything one could ever imagine about Shape Of Punk To Come in a live setting and more.
Back in November, we already told you about Refused playing Coachella. But now it’s officially confirmed.
Refused is amongst the names that are supposed to play Coachella 2012.
SHIELD- Vampiresongs LP (AMEND: 10) [img]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v220/xeverclearx/shieldad.jpg[/img] Obscure gem from the mid-nineties Umea HC scene. Yes, they come from the same scene as Refused, Final Exit, Abhinanda, and many more. Every band from this scene seemed to have their own sound which would keep many people interested on what was going on in Umea during that … Continue reading Shield- Vampiresongs LP pre-order (Umea HC 1995. Refused, Final Exit, etc)
Only club show of Refused in The Netherlands
Refused will play 013, Tilburg in October.
Together with the 013 we’re giving you the chance to see Refused for free on the 11th of October @ 013, Tilburg (NL).
you guys should release the ”build me up…melt me down” mcd onto vinyl!!!
May happen sometime if this release do good. Did you already a copy of this already? 🙂 BTW: 2 more weeks to pre-order this record. everything will be shipping November 12th.
Ik heb twee tickets voor de show in 013. Helaas kan ik er niet bij zijn. Heeft iemand er interesse in dan mail naar thebarnes82@hotmail.com Groetjes, Pete
En..Hoe was The shape of geldharken to come?
Review morgen (toch Pim?) online Pieter. Incl filmpjes voor de thuisblijvers.
Denk het. Morgen dubbele review online dan. Want er komt ook weer een Revelation showcase report 😉
The top and bottom of Groezrock 2012. Terror vs Refused, Verse going Jah and many stage-dives for Gorilla Biscuits.
>>>[Preorders] Some of the records we will receive soon are available for preorder here http://www.straightandalert.com/35-preorders LP Breakdown – Runnin’ Scared Up Front – Spirit Integrity – Den Of Inquity [2ble LP] Battery – Whatever It Takes Shook Ones – Facetious Folly Feat Black Flag – What The… Blistered – Soul Erosion OFF! – Wasted Years … Continue reading Reply To: Straight & Alert distro
Sorry No Turning Back, Ritual and countless other European hardcore bands but this is the best European hardcore record of the year.