7 Seconds + Reproach + The Real Danger @ Flesh n Bones, Aalst
Skateboarding and 7 Seconds things don’t get better than that.
Skateboarding and 7 Seconds things don’t get better than that.
M.O.B. presents PUNKROCK RUINED MY LIFE-FEST #1 Minor Operation Bookings has been active for well over a year now and it’s getting bigger and better everytime. To celebrate this and the fact that M.O.B. head honcho Ivo is turning 28 at the end of September, thus having thrown away half his life on punkrock, we … Continue reading Reproach + Lose The Life + Spiknyter + De Aanslag + GAS + Phil Collins Tribute Band + Crack David
http://www.ebay.co.uk/sch/asjohns1969/m.html Posted: Thu Feb 21, 16:08 Post subject: Generic $krupel Artimus Pyle Ebola Plaid Retina Reproach Rabies Rorschach Fourteen Or Fight Migraine Sick Mormons More added regularly
Citizens Patrol, Reproach split 7″ release show
– Reproach – https://www.facebook.com/#!/Reproach666 – Citizens Patrol – http://www.facebook.com/citizenspatrol – Harsh Realms – http://www.facebook.com/harshrealms – Subrockers – https://www.facebook.com/SubRockers
[img]https://fbcdn-sphotos-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/250936_10150982478226005_1015651003_n.jpg[/img] http://www.facebook.com/#!/events/272230222874153/ Hazendonk 52 – 2500 koningshooikt ( lier ) THE LAST RAMP JAM !!! better get your ass over there befor u miss it! Like always there will be a big ramp to skate on cheap drink ,big old army tent for the conserts , fire , bqq bring your own meat , camping … Continue reading 16/06 RAMPJAM : REPROACH + TOXIC SHOCK + tons more
[img]http://a4.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/283516_263059583707829_220503944630060_1210878_5988729_n.jpg[/img] 2km van de grens met Holland Reproach ( Belgische skatecore kings ) Outcast ( Sick Deathmetal ) Golden Bullet ( New H8000 metalcore heroes ) Toxic Shock (Trashmetal members of Between the lines/Damaged Goods) Anxiety disorder (Local grindcore heroes members of Witness the end, Slow puncture ) Episode hate (Waaslandese technical DEATHmetal) Goreforce 5 … Continue reading 27/11 WTE-Fest : Reproach + Toxic Shock + more
Longtime running trashcore band Reproach have posted two new songs from their upcoming record ‘The Bitter End’.
Last few hours on these….
They were vegan and straight edge and they broke up.
That’s what they get for being vegan.
Could anyone post some infos about this band please!
2 days left.
2012 was a pretty productive year…… babies, records, a shitload of cool shows and tours, you name it, it was all there!! And there is more to come. Here’s a little insight on what we’re up to the next couple of months and 2013. “For relaxing times, make it Suntory times” (you’ll find out if … Continue reading CITIZENS PATROL UPDATE 2012/2013
thanks, Symon Uberratard made the artwork… Also did work for Rise and Fall, Blind to Faith, Acid Deathtrip…. and CP By the way….New tune from the upcomming split 7inch with Reproach, check it out! http://citizenspatrol.bandcamp.com/album/citizens-patrol-reproach-split-7inch [url]http://citizenspatrol.bandcamp.com/album/citizens-patrol-reproach-split-7inch[/url]
[b]Split 7inch: Citizens Patrol / Reproach…….out now![/b] Out now on Way Back When Records and Spastic Fantastic Records Out soon in the US on Deep Six Records [url]http://www.waybackwhenrecords.com/html2/releases.html[/url] [img]http://f0.bcbits.com/z/21/13/2113128050-1.jpg[/img] [b]Releaseweekend this weekend![/b] 26/4 Gent: Pogo Bar 27/4 Amsterdam: OCCII 26 april GENT (releaseshow, w Reproach, Suffer Damage) 27 april AMSTERDAM (releaseshow, w Reproach, Man Lifting … Continue reading Reply To: CITIZENS PATROL UPDATE 2012/2013
SLAPPE HAP presents: September 24th: [b]R’R FEST IV[/b] Perron55, Venlo, The Netherlands w/ DIRECT CONTROL (US) SPERMBIRDS (DE) SYSTEMATIC DEATH (JP) COCKROACH (NL / reunite for their first gig in their home area in over 6 years) VITAMIN X (NL) NOTHING DONE (NL – last show ever) LECHEROUS GAZE (US – ex Annihilation Time) GLAM … Continue reading [2011.09.24] R’R Fest IV w/ LECHEROUS GAZE / NOTHING DONE +14
Want to check out some Deathwish bands that are touring at the moment? Here’s a nice list.