North Korea sign with Triple Crown Records
NORTH KOREA, (feat. Dillinger Escape Plan and Envy On The Coast members) has signed with Triple Crown Records.
NORTH KOREA, (feat. Dillinger Escape Plan and Envy On The Coast members) has signed with Triple Crown Records.
Triple B did a great job rereleasing this ‘classic’ Bane record with an altered cover and including a thick booklet.
GRAVE MISTAKE RECORDS / MAILORDER WEBSTORE UPDATE 12.14.2012 Well, we are in the thick of the holiday season and I hope everyone has their x-mas shopping finished early and has a few extra bucks to spend on some records! You owe it to yourself! Or, keeping with the spirit of the holidays you can buy … Continue reading GRAVE MISTAKE RECORDS / Webstore Update 12.14.12
I decided to try and sell my t-shirts, as I could definitely use the space and money. It’s mostly hardcore. Some bootlegs, some low-value shirts, but also some (hopefully) highly sought after OGs (Chain, INSTED, GB, TFS). I’ll box whatever I don’t sell from September 2, so please email me your offers before then (cescowillemse/gmail). … Continue reading Moving to another country = selling all of my bandshirts (+140, lots of OGs)
New stuff ready to go: – NK (feat. members of Envy On The Coast, Dillinger Escape Plan) – “Nothing To Be Gained Here” (Triple Crown Records) – Produced by Mike Sapone (Brand New, Taking Back Sunday) – digital copy – also available for interviews – PALISADES – “Outcasts” (Rise Records) – digital copy – also … Continue reading Reply To: Reviews ā Any takers?
I’m selling my bass guitar because my new band is not a hardcore or metal band. The sound of the bass does not fit our style. If you like a bass guitar with a dirty sound THIS is the bass you need to have! It is in new shape because I played only 2 shows … Continue reading For sale: IBANEZ ATK 200 BASS GUITAR
Feel free to make me an offer for more than one item, Iām easy to deal with. Any questions? ?Just send me a message or email me jigs(at) I also have loads of metal records, if you want a list of those let me know.. on discogs I also have some cd’s and records for … Continue reading Loads of records and shirts for sale
X-mas shopping at Reflections: All Pigs Must Die – God Is War (probably the most ‘metal’ record I’ll ever have) Fugazi – Repeater Bane – Give Blood repress on Triple B Husker Du – Metal Circus
Featuring bands like Supertouch, Ringworm, Bane, Shipwreck AD, Soul Search etc.
Nab went to This Is Hardcore 2011 and wrote a piece about the Friday & Saturday at the fest.
[img][/img] Taking influences from revolution-summer era hardcore, but with an undeniable style of their own, Give isn’t following trends or trying to fit in; they’re just putting music and lyrics first, and putting everything they have into their live shows. In time for their european tour, “Singles Going Confetti” is a collection of the GIVE … Continue reading GIVE – Singles Going Confetti LP AVAILABLE NOW!
So not everything is for sale, but I’ll be open to offers on some things. Please send me a message on, but please bear in mind I am based in the UK. Thanks. 7″ Abandon Ship | s/t | Yellow /100 | Carry The Weight Records Abolition | In The Grasp Of The Tyrants … Continue reading HYE list fs NxA/Dirty Money/HTB/BWP/Trial/Bane/Foundation
Dead End Path, (Triple B records) who were here a couple weeks ago with Harms way and Brutality Will Prevail. [youtube][/youtube] Swamps from massachusetts. Young kids, some cool songs. [youtube][/youtube] And my favorite band at the moment; Take Offense. They came on tour here with New Morality and Deal With It almost a year ago … Continue reading Reply To: New bands
While I do prefer longer and more in-depth interviews myself most of the time, sometimes you just want a short ‘snack’ and this zine is perfect for that.
GRAVE MISTAKE RECORDS / MAILORDER WEBSTORE UPDATE – 08.03.12 Only one more month left of summer … while I’m a bit bummed to see it go, I can’t say I’m too big of a fan of hot weather! Stoked for fall, but trying to make the most of the summer before it’s over. Anyways, I … Continue reading GRAVE MISTAKE Webstore Update! New CRAZY SPIRIT, COKE BUST, POISON IDEA, & More!
Is that the compilation on Triple B records? I love that Title Fight song. So good. Also Free Spirit is amazing.
Yeah it’s the Triple B comp. I also love the big booklet that comes with it. Gives me a For The Sake Of Dedication feel.
Got my order from Triple B Rec this week including: Dead End Path – Blind Faith LP Soul Search – Bury the Blame 7″ The Wrong Side – Dumptruck Demo 7″