Got ideas for future content? Want to advertise (see our support page for more info) or do you have something to ask or want to give some feedback? Let us know what you’re thinking! We would love to hear from you.
Or mail us at info [nospam-please] somewillneverknow [dot] org
Note: We get so much mails these days that we can’t reply to everything anymore. We’ll do our best though!
There are several ways you can help us out (advertising included), since it’s quite the list, we’ve made a separate page for it. Check out the support page. All the help is appreciated!
If you want anything reviewed, get in touch first (do not just send us your releases), so we can hook you up with the address where to send your specific package. We keep a list of all the stuff we get asked to reviewed and our reviewers get to pick from that list. As soon as your release gets picked we send you the reviewer’s address. We don’t want to waste any time and money in sending it around (from you, to our HQ, to the reviewer) and multiply the risk of getting stuff lost in the mail.
Oh and please only get in touch about reviewing hardcore/punk related stuff. We love your latest polka-linedancing-r&b-fusion release, but we don’t necessarily feel like reviewing it. We’ll just crank it out loud at home. And to end this section, here’s the big disclaimer: We will not review everything that gets submitted. Sorry!
Note: We get so much mails these days that we can’t reply to everything anymore. If you submit your release it will end up on our list though. Just depends on our reviewers if it gets reviewed or not.
Get in touch if you think you can contribute news, reviews, interviews, columns or anything! Aside from that we are always looking for people to extend our team.