Come To Our Show – DIY ebook full of hardcore show flyers

Willona got in touch with us about a DIY ebook she did collecting all kinds of flyers from various parts in the world:
More than 10 years ago I started collecting punk show flyers because I wanted to publish a book of flyers from the U.S. as well as Africa and Asia and Europe and South America… and everywhere punks were rocking out. But then I lost steam and all those great flyers that people had sent to me were sealed up in a box and stuffed into the back of my closet.
Maybe it’s because I’m getting older, see fewer shows and am feeling wildly nostalgic. Or maybe it was the realization that I could post an eBook and share these works of art so easily–either way here it finally is!
The book features flyers from the US, Latin America, Asia and South Africa from 199-2002, with a heavy focus on DC hardcore:
Or check out the ebook on Google Docs version (probably easier for slower computers)
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