Foreseen 7″es up for pre-order

Both FORESEEN 7″s, the re-press of the debut 7″EP and the new 7″ titled “Structural Oppression”, are now up for pre-order.
The “Structural Oppression” 7″ is a teaser for FORESEEN’s upcoming full length, which is scheduled for later this year. These two exclusive recordings were brought to tape in late November of 2012. “Structural Oppression” is the sickest New York crossover worship (think Leeway and Nuclear Assault) with a heavy dose of NWOBHM thrown in.
This 7″ is co-released with Collision Records from Finland.
The very limited re-press of the debut 7″EP is available in various crazy colors and comes with a slightly altered artwork, pick it up here.
[bandcamp album=1632206738 bgcol=FFFFFF linkcol=4285BB size=grande]
“Structural Oppression” is available as a limited pre-order version on clear vinyl (100 made, only available from TAKE IT BACK), pick it up here
[bandcamp album=1740799750 bgcol=FFFFFF linkcol=4285BB size=grande]