Grave Mistake Records launches Bandcamp page

Grave Mistake Records, the label of bands like Deep Sleep, Night Birds, Coke Bust and many more has launched its own Bandcamp page:
‘That’s right, we finally got around to getting the Grave Mistake Bandcamp page up and running! The label really hasn’t had had a steady spot for streaming music for a while, so this time around we decided to go all out. There are currently 30 Grave Mistake releases streaming in their entirety … all recent releases from the past few years, along with a good chunk of the back catalog. It will also be a place to get some sneak peaks of upcoming releases (see below for tracks from the new NIGHT BIRDS and BRAIN F≠ LPs)! Many thanks to GM shitworker / Employee of the Month Sykes for putting the page together!
The main purpose for the page was obviously for people to check out new bands or listen to their favorites in a convenient place, but of course I wouldn’t object if you wanted to purchase some of the mp3s or even pick up the actual records in the webstore :)’
To celebrate the occasion you can listen to one of the label’s classic first releases here:
[wp_bandcamp_player type=”album” id=”2185139650″ size=”grande3″ bg_color=”#FFFFFF” link_color=”#4285BB”]
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