Incubate – Hardcore Fest @ Hall Of Fame

Every year Incubate takes complete charge of Tilburg (NL) for about a week. Usually hardcoreshows are spread all over the fest, but this time they’re concentrating the hardcore and putting on a hardcore fest @ the Hall Of Fame featuring the almighty TRIAL. Doesn’t sound too shabby, does it?
We’ll probably do some more coverage on the fest, but for now check out the complete line-up:
23:30/00:15 Trial (US)
22:15/23:00 Anchor (SW)
21:00/21:45 Gold Kids (IT)
19:45/20:30 Oathbreaker (BE)
18:30/19:00 Run With The Hunted (US)
17:30/18:00 No Turning Back (NL)
16:30/17:00 This Routine Is Hell (NL)
15:30/16:00 Daggers (BE)
What’s a hardcore show without DIY food and some distro’s right? They took care of this too. Just Like Your Mom (Can I do a shout out to Etjen for hooking us up with the best vans ever with S&D?) will take care of the vegetarian food during the day and Shield Recordings, Reflections Records and Typewriter will take their distro’s to the fest.
And that’s not all. The Hall of Fame will be open for skateboarding, so bring your deck!
Got excited? Pick up a ticket!
Aside from this hardcore fest we would also like to recommend you (amongst others, because there’s tons of good stuff to check out) Richie Dagger’s (ex Restless Youth) show on Monday and Michael Azzerad’s (author of Our Band Could Be Your Life and Come As You Are: The Story of Nirvana amongst others) talk at the DIY conference on Friday. Just check out the Incubate site for the complete line-up and details.
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