Madball, Deez Nuts, Taking Back Sunday Members featured in punkrock cookbook

As of October 2nd 2015, kickstarter has a new punkrock themed project. The project is called “Stay Hungry!”, a cookbook written by Cornelis T. a punkrock/hardcore kid from Belgium who wrote this book with help of some of punk and hardcore’s greatest names from bands like Madball, Ignite, Taking back sunday, Deez nuts & More.
“After talking about food with a few musicians after a show I realized these musicians have a passion for food as big as their passion for their music. And it seemed they love to talk about it. I thought it would be a great idea to put our passions together and put this in book form” says Cornelis.
For this book he sat down with Freddy Cricien from Madball to talk about his thoughts about the food scene that took over his hometown of Brooklyn, ny. Next to that, there are several more interviews with guys like JJ Peters of Deez Nuts, Ignite’s Brett Rasmussen and Eddy Reyes of Taking Back Sunday. They talked about life on the road, the places they love to eat at and the love they have for the food back home.
Next to the interviews this book is full of recipes like spicy BBQ meatballs, ass-blastin enchiladas and maple bacon waffles, all easy to make with recognizable flavors and including a unique punkrock twist for every taste.
This book is 100% diy and needs every bit of help the scene can give. There are different ways to help out. Every donation is met with a great reward like goodie-bags, the book itself, a t-shirt or a party at your place with Cornelis as your own personal chef!
Check out Stay Hungry’s kickstarter page for more info about this project and to help Cornelis out!
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