New Eerie hardcore band – Human Animal

EMS (Surprise Attack / Smoke & Mirrors and much more) got in touch with us about his new band:
“Hey SWNK, just wanted to introduce you to my new band Human Animal. We just put up our 5 song debut for free today. We’re a bunch of old dudes who still enjoy playing hardcore. Still pissed. Always loved when our old bands toured Europe and got to see so many amazing places. If you can help spread the word it’d be greatly appreciated it.
Lake Effect Hardcore résumés:
Abnegation, Anchor, Brother’s Keeper, Jesus Wept, Phases, Prayer for a Fallen Angel, Problem Solver Revolver, Run Devil Run, Shockwave, Smoke & Mirrors, Thick as Thieves, xDisciplex AD… and plenty more.
Thanx for checking us out.”
We’ve got absolutely nothing to add to that, check em out!
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