Springtime joins Tiny Engines

Tiny Engines is stoked to welcome Richmond, VA’s SPRINGTIME to its growing roster. The label will release the band’s official debut on 7″ vinyl in the Spring. You can download the band’s 2012 demo for free here.
Playing D.C.-styled hardcore in the vein of Dag Nasty and early End Of A Year, Richmond, VA’s Springtime brims with energy and an unmistakable old school flare. Forming in late 2011 and featuring members of Family Cat, Tiger Tail and Cheyenne, Springtime’s self-released demo was released only a few months later in March 2012. The passion of early DC emocore from Rites of Spring to Dag Nasty shines through in sharp bouts of energy that emanate from the band’s songs. Mixed with the melodic punk/hardcore of scene giants like Leatherface, Texas Is The Reason and Lifetime, Springtime pay fitting tribute to their influences while confidently blazing their own path.
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