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Video EP Release from HLF – Do Yourself a Flavour

Video EP Release from HLF – Do Yourself a Flavour


‘Av a gander at the new long-play video EP from a shambolic, melodic, progressive post-punk, chorus peddling math rock brotherly 2 piece in London:
Horse Lover Fat.

Horse Lover Fat are HLF are hxlxfx, are Barn and Thad Yianni, guitar and drums, respectively.

Born in Bristol countryside now living south London city, they grew up listening to Converge, Today is the Day, Lamb of God, Nirvana, Deftones, Botch, Godspeed, as well as Aphex Twin, Dr Dre, Frank Zappa, whatever’s good, really.

They play each others’ instruments and other instruments too, the latter, a bit, on this EP. They paint, draw, compose, edit, program, produce, and shoot all their own material and merch, with a little help from their friends. Then they work manic jobs that demand 12 hour days. After that, they go down the pub.

Released primarily as a freely streamed long-play live video, available on Youtube, a new format for music release, a balls-out audio-visual demo of our music, our live act, and our aesthetic, designed to get us some gigs, Do Yourself A Flavour is available (if you must) via free stream on Soundcloud, download via donation with bonus tracks from Bandcamp, or as a limited edition HD DVD and CD for cash.

P.S., Book us (for gigs).

DYAF Soundtrack

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