Welcome (back)

Welcome (back) people,
You might have been wondering why I stopped posting updates to the site for a while. Well, now you know. That is, if you’re done reading this.
So what’s new?
- First and foremost: Fresh blood, new people. SWNK isn’t a one-man-job anymore. Check the about section to see who joined me on this. And keep an eye on that section, because it will be growing. Be nice to them, because I’m glad to have this international group of people on board. And if you think you want to help us out, get in touch!
- A new look. If you’ve been here before you probably noticed we have changed some things here and there. If you don’t see a difference, it might be time for some (new) glasses. Instead of the small fonts and the dark colors we went bright and bold. Should be easier on the eyes. Since we tend to have rather lengthy interviews, the better they can be read… Right. We also added print links to the interview, so you can print them out and read em on the toilet. Almost like a real zine, only a lot less cool. We know.
- A community. Yes, register yourself and start talking. Whether you join the forums, place a comment or send top secret messages amongst yourself, you just need to register once. Or even simpler, just use Facebook connect and use your Facebook login to register on the site. Get talking people, we don’t want this to be one way traffic.
- Reviews. We now do reviews. The ones that are in there now are the ones I did for Asice.net in the past, but more will be added along the ride. Labels / bands etc. get in touch if you want us to review your stuff.
- News. We now have a news section. It’s not the focus of the site to be the nr 1 news stop for all your hardcore related news, but if you’ve got some news, let us know and we’ll might just publish it.
We have been listening to your feedback so hopefully you like the changes, if there’s anything else you like to see added / changed let us know. Oh and please let us know in the forums or through the contact form if anything’s not working. You should consider the site a “work in progress” at the moment, or in “BETA” (only we’re not as fancy as Google) if you want, which pretty means it’s bound to change (based upon your input) and will not be bug-free (we know of a couple, especially forum related bugs, but that’s the risk of running beta software). So yeah, talk to us.
Ok that’s a lot of words for: Here’s the new and improved SWNK. Hope you like it, we’re looking forward to bringing you the good stuff, starting right now with the American Nightmare – European Tour Fall 2001 video for instance.
Take care,
Pim (and the rest of the ‘crew’)