[img]https://scontent-b-ams.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-prn1/t1/1016539_1453674734844881_2074757717_n.jpg[/img] Website: http://facebook.com/lingeringfever Stream: http://igotafever.bandcamp.com Download link: https://www.mediafire.com/?r76up0kzijc4gi0
Unfortunately Inherit will not make it to the mainland for this show. Hopefully they will make it over some other time. There will be no replacement, the damage drops to 12 euro. Sorry for the bad news.
What’s up with that whole silly ‘Not telling/showing anybody who’s in the band’ thing that’s all the hype these days? Weird.
Don’t know if that’s intentional? There’s even a picture with it, that’s pretty clear if you know those guys π (The ones I know that is).
I believe the faces are intentionally blurred out and there is no line up in the fb page either. Of course you’re gonna know who’s in it if you know those guys, but why the shroud of mystery? I see that happing all the time these days. All that aside: good demo.
Let’s agree to disagree π Less my cup of tea as The Kid’s Crusade, but good demo indeed. “Klapt erop” π
It’s about the music, not who’s playing it.
[quote=robin john]Itβs about the music, not whoβs playing it.[/quote] [youtube]GEuFu3ePXBw[/youtube]
To me it comes across like a ‘Look how interesting and vague we are!!’ thing. But maybe that’s just me.
But does it matter who plays? It’s like: don’t judge the book by it’s cover. And if they don’t want you to know who plays in the band. Does it make the music sound different? If it was a US, german or uk band, would it still be a problem? Because you would not know … Continue reading Reply To: New dutch band: Fever.
It’s not a problem, it’s a trend I’m noticing that I find weird. It’s not important who plays, but by blurring out bandphoto’s and stuff you’re deliberately drawing attention to it. Which I find weird and to be honest, a bit snooty. But no, it’s not that important and I guess it’s just me being … Continue reading Reply To: New dutch band: Fever.
Flyer by: http://chrisrustwijk.weebly.com [img]http://fbcdn-sphotos-d-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash3/t1.0-9/1544385_781211191891333_5236053490885148876_n.jpg[/img]