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Ryan Young

Pim had a chat with Ryan Young of Off With Their Heads.

Rob Nabbe

Nabbe the Bastard played in Insult, Skullhog, Bile, Hot ‘n Steamy Monkeylove and probably a bunch of other bands with even wilder names.

NEW RELEASE: BARGE "No Gain E.P. 7" Out Now! / Webstore Update (New Culo LP!)

GRAVE MISTAKE RECORDS / MAILORDER LABEL AND WEBSTORE UPDATE / 04.05.2013 – NEW RELEASE: BARGE “No Gain E.P.” 7″ Out Now on VINYL CONFLICT RECORD LABEL! – BIG EYES, THE SHIRKS, and KREMLIN Tours this Month! – WEBSTORE UPDATE: New CULO, PISSED JEANS, RIVAL MOB, and More! The first release on the new and improved … Continue reading NEW RELEASE: BARGE "No Gain E.P. 7" Out Now! / Webstore Update (New Culo LP!)

Midnight Souls

Rold had a chat with Donny of Midnight Souls, about how GTTM saw the light of day, about being a teacher and getting older.

Sean Taggart

Hardcore. NYHC. 80’s. Artwork. First name that comes to mind? Sean Taggart right? Pim had a chat with him to see what he’s up to these days.

René Natzel

Pim finally had a lenghty chat with René about World Collapse, True Blue, hardcore, life and ninja’s.


BECOME is from Santa Barbara, CA, home of Ebullition Records. These guys love to express themselves. Read for yourself.


Although they like to be a bit of a secret, Regimen found some time to shed a light on the band and their self-titled debut album.

Pat Hassan and Tomas Hubbard

A double interview this time, it’s not like you can seperate them anyway. Between all the nonsense they actually managed to say something serious too.

Holy Roar Records

Josh talked to Alex of Holy Roar, about the history of the label, difficulties he has encountered and odd formats among other things.

Scandinavian new breed

An interview with the Scandinavian new breed of hardcore. Guilty from Sweden and Upright & Foreseen from Finland.

Alex Morris of Mosh Pit the game

Someone was making a game for the iOS platform about moshing? Color me interested. So I contacted Alex “Uncle Al” Morris, the guy behind it all.


Crawlspace just released a brand new album called “Carved into flesh”. Reason enough for Dennis to meet up with Jurgen (guitar) and Def (bass).

Wim Berchmans

Ever heard of Justice, Rhythm To The Madness, Joshua’s Song, Loud And Clear, Not Afraid, In Arm’s Reach or The Fight?