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I Question Not Me #2

I always LOVE the zines Becky Miller does. When a new issue arrives, I drop everything I’m doing and finish it in one go.

Balance: European Hardcore book

The book focuses on the heavier side of hardcore. And while it’s well-written and looks great, it could have been even better.

Reply To: Reviews – Any takers?

Their manager will probably shield them from reading it, so don’t worry 😉 Just be honest and tell people what you think. If it’s bad, it’s bad. If it’s great, it’s great. If it’s… You get the point.

Hopes – Wake up EP

Hopes prove they still got it and release their second great EP with Wake up.


Protestant on the natural progression of their sound and just going with the flow.

Midnight Souls

Rold had a chat with Donny of Midnight Souls, about how GTTM saw the light of day, about being a teacher and getting older.

Samiam – Trips

It’s not often that a band comes back with a solid release after a few years of absence. But Trips is an exception to that rule.