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Future plans and winners

It’s the 18th of April now. Contest closed. Thanks for all the feedback and promotion of the site. Click on for the future plans and winnners.

Rob Nabbe

Nabbe the Bastard played in Insult, Skullhog, Bile, Hot ‘n Steamy Monkeylove and probably a bunch of other bands with even wilder names.

Do It Yourself – Do a zine

Ever wondered how to do a zine yourself? Look no further. Here’s a bunch of tips from the pro’s. Join in and share your own tips.

Jon Biviano

A personal and indepth interview with with Jon Biviano (Supertouch, ex- Windfall, Running Like Thieves and more) about the past, present and future.

The Road Home

Four guys from Enschede with a hardcore attitude and a mainstream sound taking over the world step by step.

Patrick Delabie

You might know Patrick Delabie of Studio 195 from his work with Dead Stop, Restless Youth, Justice, True Colors and more.


Interview with Chris Mahon Bang Bros from Dublin. The dude is all about getting low, Irish hardcore, LOC and Chino pants.


Although they like to be a bit of a secret, Regimen found some time to shed a light on the band and their self-titled debut album.

The Psyke Project

Despite all the musical and lyrical darkness, The Psyke Project singer is actually a really nice guy.

How to: Submit interviews

[b]1. NAVIGATE[/b] Go to Interviews / Add Interview in the dashboard. [b]2. TITLE[/b] Enter a title (where it says: Enter title here) that isn’t too long and describes the content well. [i]Example: for an interview with the Cro Mags you’ll put “Cro Mags”.[/i] [b]3. CONTENT[/b] Write your interview. Add some images, and put in some … Continue reading How to: Submit interviews