The Bruiseheads – The Unstoppable Force
How this vocalist sounds like a 40 year old geezer that drank a few whiskeys and smoked a few packs of cigarettes is beyond me.
How this vocalist sounds like a 40 year old geezer that drank a few whiskeys and smoked a few packs of cigarettes is beyond me.
NoFX and Antillectual played the 013 on the 11th of August, Emiel and Pim were there.
Probably one of the best flyers I ever did, haha. From a show I did back in 2002. [img][/img] I just wrote the script with a sharpie, scanned it and of course let loose the almighty fill and stroke. The photo is from a photobook I found at the library. Check out my gigposters profile … Continue reading Reply To: Designers Corner