After The Fall – Eradication
Much to my surprise this release has been fairly unnoticed by the majority of punk- and hardcorekids. While some records actually deserve not to be heard, ‘Eradication’ is quite a different case. Hence why I’m bringing it to everyone’s attention once more.
After The Fall is one of those bands who are too hard for the general punk audience and too melodic for the general hardcore crowd. We all know very well that the few bands who walk the line between punk and hardcore, and do it good, don’t get as outdated as most of the more outspoken hardcore and or punk bands. Kid Dynamite, Good Riddance and Kill Your Idols are examples of bands who found themselves stuck between both scenes and made some of the best records in their time.
While After The Fall is no Kid Dynamite (though they sometimes cover them) or Good Riddance, I do have the feeling that ‘Eradication’ is one of those records lots of people will eventually pick up. (And then blame themselves for not having giving it a chance earlier.) To be honest it took me some time to let it sink in as well.
Record opener ‘Soldiers’ is a sonic, shattering assault and sets the tone for the record with it’s social political lyrics. Songs like ‘Ruins’, ‘Power Trip’ and the title track are also great examples of a pissed off punk band shouting their discomforts into the world. Where ‘Soldiers’ and ‘Ruins’ sound like they are songs done by a hardcore band, it’s on other songs like ‘Throgs Neck’ that After The Fall sounds more like NOFX than any other band I know (except for NOFX).
‘Eradication’ is recorded by Jay Maas of Defeater fame and features guestvocals by Tom Rheault of No Trigger and James Carroll of Make Do And Mend. Which might be other reasons for you to check it out. Please do yourself a favor and give After The Fall the attention they deserve, I promise you won’t be let down.
Listen to the whole record here:
[wp_bandcamp_player type=”album” id=”1625497521″ size=”grande3″ bg_color=”#FFFFFF” link_color=”#4285BB”]
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