Amalthea – The Fall 7″

Amalthea is a Postrock band from Gothenburg, Sweden with roots in the hardcore and screamo scene. With several releases on underground labels now it’s time for a shorty; a one sided 7 inch on blue vinyl with a silk screened b-side.
The release was specially made for their Russian tour in February/March and if the 300 copies are not sold the rest will be available afterwards. ‘The Fall’ starts pretty slow and quiet with guitar pickings. Like Amalthea didn’t want to show everything in the beginning of the song there is first clean vocals added together with the drums and bass. The song still stays timid.
Halfway there is a turn, the sound becomes threatening and an anxious voice is coming up. Melancholy isn’t forgotten in the song, this also shines through in the heavier part. In the end the band returns towards the timid side of postrock and concludes this miniature piece in style.
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