Bad Ideas – Murder Of Gods
While risking to sound like the typical ‘oh the demo was so much better’ guy, everyone should agree that Saves The Day’s best records were the ones up until Stay What You Are. Things just never were as good after that. So I was pleasantly surprised after putting Murder Of Gods, the first full length by Bad Ideas in my player. This band comes close to old Saves The Day with a little bit of Frank Turner (Bad Ideas is from Leeds and play semi-acoustic folk punk hence the obligatory Frank Turner name drop).
Oh don’t get me wrong here, Murder Of Gods isn’t Through Being Cool part 2. Bad Ideas definitely is more folkĀ and British than the boys from New Jersey will ever be, yet the songs on this record have the same laid back, poppy with a grind feel that Saves The Day used to have.
After the quality releases of Make Do And Mend and PJ Bond, Shield Recordings have found another band to make a lasting impression on me. The label has come a long way from releasing gruesome acts like Stab Back (what were they thinking) and Heartfelt and I’m for one looking forward what they will come up next.
[wp_bandcamp_player type=”album” id=”2809828717″ size=”grande” bg_color=”#FFFFFF” link_color=”#4285BB”]
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