Brito / Grinding Halt – Drama LP
When I first heard of an upcoming split-album by Brito and Grinding Halt I got really excited, since these bands are both responsible for top quality music. And while Grinding Halt is releasing a lot (and all good I must add) of split releases lately, Brito got really quiet after releasing the very good “This wave is only for the good-hearted” in 2008. Then I started wondering if this split would work, as we have two distinctly different bands here. While Grinding Halt can be described as dark hardcore sometimes bordering on grindcore, Brito is influenced heavily by 90’s and early 2000’s emo bands.
After having listened to this split album a number of times (and since I received this album I’ve listened it a lot, as the album just is so easy to keep flipping over and over) I must admit it works out really well for them.
Brito continue where they left of in 2008. If you enjoyed that, you will most definitely enjoy these five new tracks. It’s still emo, it’s still catchy and it got plenty of hooks to keep you interested. They have a different drummer than on “This wave is for the good-hearted”, but I can’t say I hear the difference.
Grinding Halt is doing what they do best: they rage through 4 new tracks that express their anger against society and politics. And boy, they must be angry!
Something else that deserves mentioning is the beautiful artwork here by Mara Piccione (who you might know from artwork for Brito, Union town and Ausitot Mort among others).
All in all you get bang for your buck here: great emo tracks, some tough dark hardcore, good lyrics from both bands and everything wrapped up in great artwork. In the words of Grinding Halt “wat had je dan verwacht?” (What did you expect?)
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