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Candy Hearts – The Best Ways To Dissapear

Candy Hearts – The Best Ways To Dissapear

Are you looking for totally unpretentious yet pretty great music? Are you afraid to tell your friends you actually like ‘Skaterboy’-era Avril Lavigne? Well Candy Hearts are the band you’ll love. It’s 90’s pop punk executed to perfection.

The songs on The Best Ways To Disseapear all deal with relationships. Meeting boys at the show, akward fumbling and comparing love with toys. Candy Hearts aren’t a band that will inspire you with insightful lyrics or make you tear the place a part. No this is introspective, personal yet oh so recognizable stuff and often brought with a funny twist.

Musically Avril Lavigne does come to mind but a more gritty version. Almost as if Lavigne finally got hooked on Jawbreaker and decided to write some tunes herself and do a low budget no gimmicks needed production.

The Best Ways To Dissapear is the first release on the Violently Happy label founded by Chad Gilbert (of New Found Glory) and co-released by Bridge 9. And though it might seem a bit out of place on the Bridge 9 roster, it’s also a fresh breath of air between all the angry white guy bands. Cause in the end they’re also looking for love and drawing hearts.

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