Coilguns – Commuters

No slow intro’s for Coilguns, but full on intensity on the first track of their record. This Swiss threesome has an intense sound that incorporates many styles and fits none. From La Chaux-de-Fonds, this stuff is launched at listeners of Commuters, which is a blast.
Surprisingly, the band only has two people holding instruments. Luc Hess (from The Ocean and Earthship) is the drummer and Jona Nido (also from The Ocean and Switchback), plays guitars. However, he makes it sound like there’s multiple guitars and a bass through a multitude of pedals and electronics. Louis Jucker does the vocals and the crowd fighting (whatever that means).
The sound is from ‘Commuters Part 1’ and ‘Commuters Part 2’ on an intense mix of Down I Go, Gaza and a bit of Deftones even. Intense, hyper sounding music with a dense wall of guitars that does betray the absence of a second guitar- and bassplayer. There is the intensity of a Converge, but listening closely to songs like ‘Hypnograms’ and ‘Machines Of Sleep’ reveals the rather simple sound the band has.
That doesn’t make it any less awesome through. Blasting drums and barked vocals, sometimes almost spoken word style as well, give the songs a dynamic structure. Insane riffing add up to that and songs like ‘Minkowski Manhattan Distance’ are quite the experience. A bit of post-metal is also possible on ‘Blunderbuss Committee’, where Jona can do his guitar trick. A doomy, uncomfortable sound is created on closing track ‘Earthians’. All in all, this band has definitely got their own, unique sound.
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