Counterparts – The Difference Between Hell And Home

After their well received Victory-records debut “The Current Will Carry Us”, this Canadian hardcore-band brings us their third album “The Difference Between Hell And Home”. This record is my introduction to Counterparts, therefore I’m not able to tell you if (and how) their latest effort compares to their previous work. What I can tell you is that I’m happy to have listened to “The Difference Between Hell And Home”.
Counterparts play melodic hardcore. References I can come up with immediately are Your Memorial, Misery Signals and Stick To Your Guns. The melodic lead guitar sound refers to the first two bands mentioned. Stick To Your Guns is definitely the strongest reference here. Speaking of which, STYG is a band I got to know seeing them live. That show got me really enthusiastic about their music so I ended up going home with all albums they had with them (one…). Spinning that record was a little bit disappointing after first seeing them live. The point I’m trying to get across here: if this (on record vs live) works the same for Counterparts they will most surely be very entertaining live. And it appears we’ll have the chance to experience this as they will be touring heavily to promote this album.
But, back to the album. Counterparts start out strong and stays like that for five tracks when Counterparts slows things down with the song Decay. I’m still not really sure if I like this track and the placing on the album. It breaks the flow of the album a bit. Another small point of critique: I really could have done without the clean vocals on Outlier. But these are only minor critiques on a otherwise very well executed album.
“The Difference Between Hell And Home” will be released July 23.
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