Defeater – Live on BBC Radio 1
Defeater just can’t do any wrong with me. Empty Days & Sleepless Nights is by far one of my favorite releases of the past years. When Bridge9 announced an EP featuring songs recorded at the famous BBC studios I knew it was a release I was going to like.
Where I thought the band would go for an all acoustic EP I’m glad the end result is a good mix of both sounds of Defeater. ‘But Breathing’ is the ideal opener and ‘Warm Blood Rush’ is still one of the stand out tracks the band made so far. Whereas ‘Brothers’ is a fair choice I half expected ‘The Red, White and Blues’ to be on this EP as well. Instead we get a version of ‘Empty Glass’ which might even be better than the one on Empty Days & Sleepless Nights.
Live on BBC Radio 1 is a great ‘in-between-EP’ while waiting for new material from one of the few current bands that really make hardcore interesting.
[bandcamp album=3441389497 bgcol=FFFFFF linkcol=4285BB size=grande]
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