Ex-Breathers – Collision

After two split albums Tallahassee based band Ex-Breathers release their debut album Collision. For so young a band they have found a niche in the musical spectrum very quick. The band claims to be influenced by bands as Husker Du, Mission of Burma, Poison Idea and Quicksand. To be honest I don’t hear much of these bands. The hardcore punk with noise rock influences these three lads produce reminds me of Therapy? on steroids. The steroids here being Lords and Colliseum influences.
The first song blasts out of your speakers like a maniac. Wait till you hear the break at 1:20: it’ll make you want to do the living room mosh! Too bad it doesn’t last a bit longer. The good news is, this album has only just begun! Ex-Breathers continue in the same vein and the second song, No belief, is over before you know it. From here on slightly longer songs are mixed with the short fast ones giving you some space to breathe. The tenth song Second voice is by far the longest track and with that it’s a bit different from the rest of the album. A nice break in the continuing barrage of sound.
This album is very much DIY. They’ve recorded this album in their practice space during November and December 2012 and released it themselves earlier this year. The production sounds top notch. I imagine this is pretty much their live-sound. I really dig it when a band manages to capture that live energy. The production of the vocals is working out really well. A little echo is added which adds to the live feeling.
The bad news is: to my knowledge this is only available as download and on tape. I prefer my music on vinyl (or CD if you have to…). So, record labels, who’s gonna release this rough gem?
[bandcamp album=1788180834 bgcol=FFFFFF linkcol=4285BB size=grande3]
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