Kickback + Rise And Fall + Blind To Faith @013

When you book a band like Kickback you just now there’s a very big chance of trouble. So why do people still put this band on shows and act all surprised when things happen?
Blind To Faith were on time to warm up the audience at this Sunday matinee. With approximately 150 people showing up the turn out wasn’t as bad as I expected. Those who came early saw a great Blind To Faith work through their sludge meets hardcore material. Vocalist Stijn didn’t use his Human Furnace voice this time around but stayed close to the way he usually sings in Reproach. To me that made Blind To Faith all the more enjoyable.
Rise And Fall are laying low for a while. After the Tilburg show there will be a show this week in Brussels and that’s it. This announcement on Facebook was followed up with comments of people who think they’re breaking up. The way I see it the guys in Rise And Fall are pretty capable in communicating in English. So if they’re breaking up I think they would post a message along the lines of : We’re breaking up.
With ‘Faith’ the band has released their best material so far and it’s only logic they’re retreating after a year of touring and numerous shows. Catching a breath usually strengthens a band. Not that Rise And Fall are a band in bad shape. They bellowed out recent and older material and ended their set with ‘Faith’. Both Rise And Fall and Blind To Faith didn’t get an overactive response from the crowd but everyone was clearly into their performances.
Time for Kickback, the notorious band from France. From the moment the band came on stage the vibe became worse and worse. Some members were clearly looking for trouble. And what do you do when the people doesn’t seem to be totally into your set? You throw a monitor of stage. You grab some full cans of beer and sling them into the audience and you try and see if you can get away with fucking up the PA system of the venue that put you on the show.
As said earlier it’s the kind of behavior one can expect from Kickback. So acting all surprised when it happens is a bit strange. You know the reputation of this band and it’s part of why people come to see them. If you want to avoid it, you just don’t let these guys play your venue.
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