Lasting Traces – Elements
Germany’s Lasting Traces come with a new two song EP. The follow up to their 2011 album Old Hearts Break In Isolation. At that time the band sounded a lot like Defeater and I can’t say that influence is totally gone on Elements.
‘Grasp’ has some Defeater parts but combining it with more melodic Crime In Stereo-esque vocals and music the band manages to come out of the shadow of their American peers. This is even more the case on ‘Lest We Forget’ which is the most original Lasting Traces song to date. Another band that somehow comes to mind when I hear these songs is The Spirit That Guides Us.
Somehow I’m starting to get a whole new vibe from Lasting Traces. It’s like Elements is their bridge from melodic hardcore to a sound totally of their own. A progression one can only approve of when it leads to songs like ‘Lest We Forget’ which might not appeal to hardcore purists but is a lot more exciting to hear than another Defeater copy.
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