Lewis Dimmick – This Music

I just finished “This Music” by Our Gang / My Rifle bassist Lewis Dimmick. Took me about 20 minutes. Think that’s short? I don’t know, I actually think it’s quite an appropriate length for a book about hardcore punk. According to Dimmick it’s all about speed anyway. So let’s get to the point right away: I loved every minute of flipping through it.
Why? Because it all feels so damn familiar. I wasn’t there in 80’s, but the way he writes things down it feels like you were. Or maybe like you are. The 66 pages of the book are not filled with just one story, but rather by a bunch of memories, thoughts. Like you’re sitting in the backstage with this guy from a band who’s been there, and he keeps telling stories. Not that they’re mind-blowing (or exaggerated like usual), but you do want him to keep going. The sad thing is that ordering more beer to get more stories isn’t working with this book.
“This Music” has blurbs on the Bad Brains, Agnostic Front, Side By Side, Our Gang, Reagan Youth, Don Fury, CBGB’s, taping radio shows and much more. In short: Recommended for anyone even remotely into our music. And since you’re reading this site, that means you too.
Oh and the cool artwork (the small, cropped, image above doesn’t do it justice) by Sean Taggart definitely deserves a mention too:
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