Mark McCabe – A Good Way To Bury Bad News
To be quite honest I’m a bit tired of Chuck Ragan, Frank Turner and all those punk goes acoustic guys. So I was quite hesitant to check out the latest release on Shield Recordings: Mark McCabe’sĀ A Good Way To Bury Bad News. Do I really feel up to listening to another half an hour of a British guy singing about his problems and not doing a good enough job to actually make it out of the punkscene?
Just shows me one can always try because SURPRISEĀ A Good Way To Bury Bad News is actually very good. It’s way better than the latest Frank Turner record for sure. And I’ll tell you why. Mark McCabe keeps things small. It’s not acoustic (but with a full band), it’s not acoustic (but still played as a punk song). This is songwriting at it’s finest. A great voice and a bare minimum of instruments. I wouldn’t play this in the gym when lifting weights or at a skatepark when trying to grind that iron bar. But it’s great listening music. For those relaxing moments at home, reading a book. Or in a small live setting.
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