Mine – s/t EP

MINE are a new band from London that feature ex-members of Hang The Bastard, Centurions Ghost and A Long Time Dead and I can guarantee that it sounds completely the opposite to what you would imagine.
What you have with this four track EP is haunting reverberated guitars with a heavy use of delay. Melancholic, yet warm. Ultimately the music overall is desolate, almost background music. Suddenly everything changes and the sound is more familiar to your ears considering members previous musical output. Fast paced, big riffs and plenty of noise. Chris Barling’s screams sound strained. As though each word is painfully released.
This debut release of MINE pushes the conventions of hardcore; if you can even call it hardcore. Just as you begin to settle in to certain sound it changes, keeping you on your toes. Moods and paces flicker between each track from dreamlike soundscapes to violent noise.
The standout track is most definitely ‘Hidden in Draws’ which feature the vocal finesse of Chlo Edwards from Vales. This four minute beast is a perfect example of MINE’s captivating sound. You can’t turn off or you’ll miss something.
Holy Roar Records are releasing this EP on 12’’ vinyl with an etched B side. Musically a perfect fit between label and band. Cult are handling this tape-wise, for the traditionalists.
If you’re in to hardcore that isn’t afraid to push boundaries then Mine are definitely for you but if you’re looking for mosh parts and posi jumps, this may not be for you.
[bandcamp track=3405878830 bgcol=FFFFFF linkcol=4285BB size=grande]
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