Newmoon – Invitation To Hold

I hate to say I told you so, but when Newmoon debuted their demo online I already knew something special was happening. It seems that Touche Amore’s Jeremy Bolm agreed with me because in no time he started talking about the release of an ep on his Secret Voice label. Six months later everyone can see the result: Newmoon’s debut ep is out.
The first thing one can’t help but notice is the awesome artwork. Nick Steinhardt (guitar player of Touche Amore and also responsible for the already iconic artwork of the latest Deafheaven record) really did a great job making a very colorfull cover. The contrast between the artwork of Midnight Souls (the former band of 4/5 of Newmoon) couldn’t be larger.
The summer vibe of the artwork fits with the melodic dreampop and shoegaze meets grunge meets post-rock of Newmoon. Haunting melodies, lots of layers and reverb and enough variety to speak of one of the most surprising and best ep’s to come out of Europe this year. Of course a band like My Bloody Valentine or Slowdive comes to mind but there sure is a hint of The Pixies somewhere.
Newmoon will be playing a few select shows with Nothing this autumn and I for one expect that they will be hitting the bigger festivals next summer. Let’s hope by then they have enough material written so we don’t have to wait that long for a full length.
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