Skip The Foreplay – Nightlife
In the package that contained the Pennywise – All Or Nothing record there was another record. Skip The Foreplay with Nightlife. A surprise to me, because they didn’t mention it when they talked about sending me the Pennywise record.
But I can fully understand why they kept it quiet. Maybe they hoped I overlooked it, wouldn’t find it. Maybe they’re feverishly checking this page every day at the moment, hoping I’m not going to review it. Probably not, but I actually liked the idea. Maybe a temp, made a mistake and put in the wrong record? But I get it, the people sending me this stuff are just doing their job, they didn’t make the decision to sign this band right? They still want to look proud when they tell people they work for Epitaph Records. I really feel for them, because someone up there is making it very hard for them. And at first I wanted to forget about this release, not even listen to it. But I changed my mind. I wanted to give it a chance. Prove me wrong.
Wrong, wrong, wrong. Yes, but it’s not me. It’s this record. It’s this band. It’s the idea of a label like Epitaph Records putting out stuff like this. I’m all for eurohouse actually (I jump for joy to 2 Unlimited and so should you), but let’s not mix it with generic and crappy metalcore. It’s just wrong. To any bands out there toying around with the idea to start a band like this. DON’T. To any labels toying around with the idea to send in more records like this… DON’T.
To give you an idea, just check this video:
I’m not even going to talk about the lyrics or the fact Alternative Press apparently thought they were one of the 100 bands you need to know about… No, I’m just going to suggest you skip the foreplay, the actual act, the cuddling afterwards. Even better, skip the whole initial meeting. Just move along and pretend nothing happened. You’ll feel a lot better. Avoid at all costs.
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