Society Sucker – demo TAPE
When I ordered those Client records from Street Survival Records, Timo put in a Society Sucker demotape as an extra. I hadn’t heard anything about them but the artwork of the demo drew me in, so I decided to check it out. And I’m glad I did because I really dig this demo.
And I’m not exactly sure why I dig it so much. The recording is raw, but at the same time perfect for this style or a demo. If this sounds too polished the energy / character is gone, so let’s hope the new record one of the bandmembers on B9 was talking about doesn’t sound too polished. I’m not a big fan of burly vocals, but for some reason I dig them with this band. Maybe because it’s not too burly and the fact they switch it up with some more melodic singing. I like the melodic guitars at the end of the outro too. At first I thought the melodic parts (both the singing and riffs) reminded me a bit of Leeway, but then I realized it sounds a bit like Dismay (the demo). Throw some Outburst / Breakdown in the mix and you’ll get the picture.
While typing this review I’ve had this demo on repeat and while it lasts only 3 songs I haven’t grow tired of it yet. In fact, I dig it more with every play. If you’re remotely into NYHC styled bands you should check this out. And let me know when the new record is out guys!
The artwork in the player is the original artwork I think, the demotape by Street Survival Records has some great graffity styled artwork (see the image above).
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