Swan Dive – Fly Toward The Sun EP
Members of More Than Life, Dead Swans and Last Witness teaming up in this new band. What do you expect after reading that? If you think like me, you’re expecting some heavy, yet melodic, hardcore. Guess what? You’ve guessed wrong. This has little to do with hardcore. Swan Dive produces music that combines grunge with indie pop and shoegaze.
Opening song Fly toward the sun reminded me of Surfer Blood combined with Veronica Falls and just a pinch of Daylight. A very energetic, yet dreamy track that really draws you into the EP. Next track Hopesick is much more up-tempo, but draws from the same influences. Dirtbag works the same way the opening track does. The EP closes with Till’ you’re numb, which is a bit different from the three other tracks. This is slower, more quiet. Extremely dreamy music. I remember seeing the movie The science of sleep. When I left the theater everything felt like it wasn’t real, but just a dream. That more or less describes the effect this song has on me.
The production on this EP works brilliantly with the music. No clue who produced this album, but he/she did a great job. Everything sounds like it’s coming to you from a different place, thus adding to the dreamy atmosphere. This kind of music is my favorite when traveling, as it allows my mind to drift away.
Are you into one of the bands mentioned in this review or the styles I’ve compared it with I suggest you check this EP out. What the hell, I suggest you check this out anyway!
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