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The Stereo State – Crossing Canyons

The Stereo State – Crossing Canyons

Sometimes you come upon a record and it just clicks. The Stereo State and me have definitely been close companions ever since I heard their latest EPĀ Crossing Canyons.

The best songs on this EP is ‘American Bones’. I was walking through town at night and freezing my socks off a couple of weeks ago, when this song started on my iPod. Instead of taking the shortest road home I decided to enjoy the quietness of town and kept hitting the repeat button for several times.

The Loved Ones aren’t far off on this song, whereas ‘Say It Again’ has more of a Hot Water Music touch. But where there are lots of bands playing this type of punkrock, most aren’t as good as the big names. The Stereo State definitely does have the potential to become a household name. Since I don’t see a new Loved Ones record happening soon, I would like suggest The Stereo State to enter the studio this year and record what would probably be my favorite punkrock full length of 2013.

[bandcamp album=263210732 bgcol=FFFFFF linkcol=4285BB size=grande]


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