Title Fight – Floral Green
I wasn’t and still am not all the certain that Title Fight’s Shed is the great album most people think it is. It’s above average but somehow none of the songs stick with me. Still I was very curious about the follow up since the pre-released tracks promised a new sound.
To be honest I don’t recall any album that I played as much in a week as Floral Green. Title Fight’s new direction is something I wholeheartedly support. The first four songs on this record are just so good. From ‘Numb, But I Still Feel It’ to one of my favourites, ‘Secret Society’.
I had to get more accustomed to ‘Head In The Ceiling Fan’ but after a few spins that one grew on me as well. The record picks up the pace with ‘Make You Cry’ and reaches another dissonant highlight in ‘Lefty’:
With Floral Green Title Fight go beyond their Lifetime and Quicksand references and plunge into more alternative grounds at some points even sounding a bit like Nirvana (I hope I can make that comparison without receiving a beat down by Pim). This is the record that deserves all the praise and even more Shed received a year ago.
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