Turning Cold – A Reclamation From Within
It seems that Switzerland has his own above average melodic hardcore band. The five guys in Turning Cold however don’t take their cues from newer bands like Defeater and La Dispute but look in the past for influences.
The six songs on this EP do remind me of early Go It Alone and Sinking Ships. The big difference between Turning Cold and Go It Alone is in the vocal department. Christian Eckerlain doesn’t have Mark Palm’s throat. Nor are the lyrics as well written.
Turning Cold sounds somewhat refreshing compared to most contemporary hardcore bands. They have this kind of ‘punk’ vibe which I think adds an extra layer and keeps the record from going stale. If the last two songs of this EP are a glimpse of what’s next for these guys then I’ll be sticking around.
[bandcamp album=1125365012 bgcol=FFFFFF linkcol=4285BB size=grande2]
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